Teaching BOT
A Bot which can tech you about some few programming languages like, JavaScript,C,and other as HTML, Css,or Hacking.
Let’s face it, robots are cool. They’re also going to run the world some day, and hopefully, at that time they will take pity on their poor soft fleshy creators and help us build a space utopia filled with plenty.
The bot is simply made with Whatsapp Auto Reply , which auto reply to your question.
In other words, programming a simulated robot is analogous to programming a real robot.
A Bot which can tech you about some few programming languages like, JavaScript,C,and other as HTML, Css,or Hacking.
Let’s face it, robots are cool. They’re also going to run the world some day, and hopefully, at that time they will take pity on their poor soft fleshy creators and help us build a space utopia filled with plenty.
The bot is simply made with Whatsapp Auto Reply , which auto reply to your question.
In other words, programming a simulated robot is analogous to programming a real robot.
The Challenge of the Programmable Robot
The fundamental challenge of all robotics is this- It is impossible to ever know the true state of the environment. Robot control software can only guess the state of the real world based on measurements returned by its sensors.
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